So… where are the books?
Book one is done. And what I mean by that is that I have completed it, rewritten in four times now and am ready to get it published. It was a shock then when I found out how complicated it is to actually get a book published. Now I have gone from future writer to full time marketer with a hint of car salesmanship.
Current potential book publish interest interactions with small details changed to protect their identities:
Q: “Will your book cure Lupus?”
A: Maybe, I haven’t gotten Lupus since I began writing it, so it doesn’t ‘cause’ lupus… and vampires, I haven’t once been bitten since I first wrote about tunnelgoats.
Q: “I read your book… are you sure about the post apocalyptic theme? Maybe try, like a fairytale carnival, and instead of paladins your protagonists can be clowns… you know the sad kind with a lot of deep introspective feelings on why condensation only rolls down the cup and not up.”
A: I will take that under advisement, and no, I don’t want one of your brownies.
Basically What I am saying is that the book will come soon. And soon is relative so you can’t hold me to a firm date. Take that, expectations!
If what you have read interests you, please to sign up for updates and you will be the first to know how close you are to actually getting something physical in your hands.