Tea time… aka Taking a Breather

Writing is both rewarding and exhausting. Oh… and time consuming… Did I forget to say that?

I have been writing seriously for the better part of two years. I have my first book written, rewritten, and rewritten five more times. And I am shopping that novel around, querying a few agents every week (they all want something different so each query is a time commitment). I also completed a short story to submit to Sci-fi/fantasy publications in the same world, the Here-After.

On top of that, I am working around the idea of writing a light novel in the Here-After, and another unrelated story that I think just sounds fun.

Needless to say my mental energy is at an all time low. So I am taking a small break.

I can’t completely walk away as I am going to continue to query, but I really, really, really, want to do some of my hobbies for a bit.

For those that dont know me, which I believe would be most of you, I have a few passions in life - minus the kids, they are my greatest passion. Yet what I am referring to is gaming and painting. I play board games and video games on the regular… or at least I did until about two years ago when I started to write (again, seriously). I have purchased, or have been gifted, many board games and video games over that time, some still in the plastic wrap. I think I need to bust those out.

And Painting… I paint miniatures, like Henry Cavill. So really I’m like a literary Henry Cavill, square jaw and everything…. What? Don’t laugh.

So I am walking away from writing? Not by a long shot. But I am going to go play for a bit and I’ll be back. I have little plastic men that have been gray for far too long.


Letting my mind wander


Overcoming shortcomings - Real heroes