The ultimate sacrifice
On Sunday we celebrate one of the most important events to ever transpire on this planet.
Three days earlier a single man - God manifest here on earth - paid the ultimate price. Death.
This man did not die for crimes he himself must pay. He did not die so that honorable men may live. No, he died for us. For our sins, our transgressions, our failure… our crimes.
He was not captured, in a manner of a criminal escaping custody. No, he gave himself up willingly, knowing the pain that would befall him.
But on that cross, a device meant for death in the most excruciating way, he did not weep for himself, but for those that put him there. Those like us. And while we alive today didn’t call for his death with our words, our sins stained our souls red. We may have well been holding the nails.
Because, his sacrifice paid it all. Every sin we have done, every vile thought and deed carried out, and every evil we would ever willing carry ourselves into would, by his blood, be paid.
On this Sunday we celebrate that he didn’t stay on that cross, that he didn’t stay in that grave, no he rose from the dead. The sin debt paid with the blood of God made man.
Jesus’s resurrection was a sign that we will not perish in sin, to rot in the ground, dust again. We would not wallow in hell, gnashing teeth. No.
We look to the cross, we look to the empty tomb, and we see redemption. We see our blood red soul made white. We see the very heavens open up to us, co-heirs for a kingdom we do not deserve. A heavenly host of angels cheering and welcoming the souls of every man and woman that has looked at Jesus and said “yes.”
Yes Lord, You are my King. And I will never forget that You didn’t die for just anyone, You died for those you love, and You love us all. You love me. You died, for me.
I know many of you are hurting. Many of you, like myself, may have given the stiffest of arms to Christ Jesus. He may have knocked on your heart over and over again, but you look away and say “no God.” You may have looked to the world for answers that are like sawdust in your belly. Full, but ultimately empty. Devoid of substance.
I promise you, that empty feeling will never go away without the loving grace of God. He who didn’t spare his only son. Would do it over and over again… for you.
Behold, I stand at the door, and knock: if any man hear my voice, and open the door, I will come in to him, and will sup with him, and he with me. Revelations 3:20 KJV
Happy Easter.